Is that not what every business needs? In order to survive you need to constantly have prospects in a lead bucket. Where do you find the most leads right now? I just did an analysis of my social media postings and because I do spend my time on G+, Facebook, Linked in and some other forums. I tried to measure what is the most effective form of leads. Now that I am blogging or attempting to do weekly, I wonder if that will create more then my top social media sites? I am also going to be creating a video series ( my new video camera arrives next week- Can't wait ) that will address ideas for business owners and tools that are free to use that you may not be aware of.
What I found in my analysis is that most of my leads are coming from a site called Empire Avenue. It is a game of sorts, where people invest in you, you invest in them and get to meet people from all over the world. You follow the top leaders and invest as much as you can in hopes that they will invest in you. When they do, WOW do they invest a lot. Probably cause they have extra virtual cash or E's to do so. Here is my latest mission I posted 1/2 hour ago, and only have 8 left out of 20 available. http://www.empireavenue.com/missions/view?id=113451
I have found that spending time here, gives me the best return on my time spent. According to what I have heard is that there is over 2,000 social media sites out there. I don't belong to that many but I do have my favorites. I also discovered a tool that I am totally excited about and I hope you are too. It will help me keep organized and keep all these tools into one location instead of in multiple windows and multiple programs that are running simutaneously.
Would like to know, what do you use, what have you found to be most effective and why, and look at this tool that will be released soon. It is free, no cost and it already has over 21 million people that have viewed it along with another site they own in just less then 10 weeks when they announced it in a webinar with 60 people attending. I don't know about you, but that is some fast growth in such as short time.
Check it out and let me know what you think- http://www.smashsolutions101.com - comments are most appreciated. Have a great Weekend.