+Preston Odenbrett
How many of you like your name, how many of you love your name? I am almost sure that most of you love your name because it is a name that has been with you all your life. Right? So then the next question is what about your business name?
If you love your business name and you want to bring your business to the "next level" please read on.
I just witnessed a demonstration by a good mentor to me J.J. Ulrich that talked about something that he has been creating in his mind for years. I am not sure if you are like him and me, but if you have been self-employed back in the 1990's you will follow this story. If you are not, I will get you caught up.
Back in the 90's when I was in the advertising business producing a coupon-advertising paper that went to the local community, I would have never dreamed that I would be a position today that can not only revolutionize my business but my clients as well.
I just witnessed a new way of doing business that "blew my mind" that I can't even go to sleep. Back to my story:
I started out with a notepad, pens and walked the street. I talked to every single business owner I could from dawn to dusk. I created relationships that I still have today because of my hard-work and my tenacity to never give up.
I have been through many industries and seen many tools that can help create efficiencies in my business. Now I know this will date me, but like I said for the younger crowd, I will catch up in a hurry.
Here is what I used to create my contacts, create business and to create a living for my family.
- Notepads/Pencils/pens
- Sticky pads
- Note cards
- Daily planner- ( Day-Timer, Franklin Planner)
- Spreadsheets- Excel, Word, Powerpoint
- Database- (Act and some others I can't even remember)
- Telephone - Dial
- Cell phone ( Huge)
- Smart-Phone
- Desk-top computer
- Laptop
- Database integrated software for Blackberry, Nokia, Android
- Online systems like Sales Force/ Act Online
Well what if you could have all of this in one easy to use portal, What if you could create time for your self so you can spend time with your family- How about spending time with your wife instead of your computer or your kids instead of the smart phone.
Want your name to stand out amongst the crowd? If you do, watch this video and then pre-register by clicking on the graphic below before your competitor finds out about this. Oh, did I mention it is available for any budget.
Watch this video - in 15 min you will be excited- I promise you -
Watch this video - in 15 min you will be excited- I promise you -
Thanks for your time today! Happy 2013 in your business and your life.
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